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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Alessandro Murgia and Daan Janssens and Serge Demeyer and
                   Bogdan Vasilescu},
  booktitle =     {Proceedings {CHI2016} (the 2016 International
                   Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) --
                   Late Breaking Work},
  note =          {Acceptance ratio: 281/647 = 43\%},
  pages =         {1272 -- 1279},
  publisher =     {ACM},
  title =         {Among the Machines: Human-Bot Interaction on Social
                   {Q}\&{A} Websites},
  year =          {2016},
  abstract =      {With the rise of social media and advancements in AI
                   technology, human-bot interaction will soon be
                   commonplace. In this paper we explore human-bot
                   interaction in STACK OVERFLOW, a question and answer
                   website for developers. For this purpose, we built a
                   bot emulating an ordinary user answering questions
                   concerning the resolution of git error messages. In a
                   first run this bot impersonated a human, while in a
                   second run the same bot revealed its machine
                   identity. Despite being functionally identical, the
                   two bot variants elicited quite different reactions.},
  annote =        {internationalconference},
  top =           {A* in CORE2014},
  doi =           {10.1145/2851581.2892311},

Serge Demeyer | Publications | E-mail Feedback